Your Contribution Matters!

Your faithful tithes, offerings, and donations make a meaningful impact! They sustain our ministry, support community outreach, and help share God’s love with those in need. Every gift, big or small, spreads the gospel and blesses others. Thank you for being a faithful steward of God’s blessings. 

To see the designated offerings for each week, consult the Alberta Conference's 2025 Offering Calendar.


Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

2 Corinthians 9:7 ESV

Ways to Give

Giving is simple and convenient. You can give during the church service offering, pick up a tithe and offering envelope at the Visitor’s Centre, or donate online through AdventistGiving. You can also send your contributions via INTERAC e-Transfer for a secure and direct way to give. Thank you for your generosity and support!

Cheque, Money Order or Bank Draft

You can also donate by cheque, money order, or bank draft. Simply mail your contribution to our local church and indicate how you would like your tithe and offerings allocated. Our mailing address is

155 100 St NE

Calgary, AB T1X 0L4


For more information, please email

Charity Registration # 106693047 RR 0026



Return your tithes and offerings online, anytime and anywhere! AdventistGiving is a secure and convenient way to support our church and its ministries, ensuring your contributions reach their intended purpose with just a few clicks.

Give Online →

INTERAC e-Transfers

INTERAC e-Transfer offers a simple and secure way to return your tithe and offerings online—no credit card required. All you need is access to online or mobile banking with a participating financial institution.

How to Send an e-Transfer

  1. Register
    Fill out the registration form below. This step is required only once. Ensure all information is accurate and complete.
  2. Initiate e-Transfer
    Access your online or mobile banking and initiate an INTERAC e-Transfer.
  3. Enter Recipient Details
    Name: Garden Road SDA Church
  4. Specify Purpose
    In the INTERAC e-Transfer message box, indicate how you would like your donation allocated (e.g., tithe, offering, specific ministry).


e-Transfer Registration Form

Please complete the form below accurately to help us process your contributions correctly. Thank you for your support!